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FRINGE welcomes academics in all fields. Its members carry our research in the areas of urban studies, cultural history, comparative literature, anthropology, ethnomusicology, gender, queer and sexuality studies, film studies and performing arts, among others. Members are invited to attend the multidisciplinary workshops organized by FRINGE.


This FRINGE reading group engages with urban theory from intersectional perspectives. Participants from all disciplines are invited to join.

We read texts circulated by session moderator two weeks in advance of the Zoom meeting.

Sessions are moderated on a rotating basis to ensure the inclusion of various perspectives.

This FRINGE reading group engages with urban theory from intersectional perspectives. Participants from all disciplines are invited to join.

We read texts circulated by session moderator two weeks in advance of the Zoom meeting.

Sessions are moderated on a rotating basis to ensure the inclusion of various perspectives.

Patricia García

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES)

Research Interests:

comparative literature

urban feminisms

the urban fantastic

Lieven Ameel 

Tampere University (FI)

Research Interests:

future cities


the city novel

Jason Finch

Åbo Akademi University (FI)

Research Interests:

Literary Urban Studies



public transport

Ayona Datta

University College London (UK)

Research Interests:

urban geography

smart cities

gender citizenship

Johan Schimanski

University of Oslo (NO)

Research Interests:

comparative literature

border aesthetics

Arctic discourses

science fiction

Jane Cowan

University of Sussex (UK)

Research Interests:

social anthropology



rights history

Richard Hibbitt

University of Leeds (UK)

Research Interests:


peripheral geography in European literatures

economic and symbolic capital

Heidi Liedke

Goethe University Frankfurt (DE)

Research Interests:

queer urban narratives

21st-century London fiction, fusion fiction, polyphony and urban space

Alexandra Urakova

Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SE)/A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)

Research Interests:

cultural anthropology

nineteenth-century literary studies

gender studies

Geoffrey Roberts

University College Cork (IE)

Research Interests:

20th century Russian history

Florencia Quesada 

University of Helsinki (FI)

Research Interests:

Latin American studies

urban history

cultural and architectural history

Jacob Bloomfield

University of Konstanz (DE)/University of Kent (UK)

Research Interests:

British history

queer history

history of sexuality

Conor Moloney

Queen Mary U. of London (UK)

Research Interests:

play, relational, antagonism

Jane-Marie Collins 

University of Nottingham (UK)

Research Interests:

Dale Knickerbocker

East Carolina University (US)

Research Interests:

Spanish literature

the fantastic

Daniel Oviedo Silva

Universidad Pública de Navarra (ES)

Research Interests:

urban deviance and social control


Ana Casas

Univesidad de Alcalá (ES)

Research Interests:

contemporary literature

Hispanic autofiction

authorial studies

the fantastic

David Roas

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (ES)

Research Interests:

theory of the fantastic

the Spanish fantastic 


humour studies

Natalia Álvarez Méndez

Universidad de León (ES)

Research Interests:

urban narrative spaces

Hispanic literature

monstrosity and its artistic representations

Maya García de Vinuesa

Univesidad de Alcalá (ES)

Research Interests:

literary translation

Afroeuropean literatures 

postcolonial studies

Gareth Stockey

Indepentent scholar

Research Interests:

Gibraltar history

post-conflict studies

migration and border studies

Inna Sukhenko

University of Helsinki (FI)

Research Interests:

nuclear narrative

energy humanities

Sara Prieto

Univesidad de Alicante (ES)

Research Interests:

city & literature


urban design

Anna Boccuti

Università di Torino (IT)

Research Interests:

Fantastic Literature

Transatlantic Tango

Latin American border studies

Eoin McCarney

Dublin City University (IE)

Research Interests:




Bhuvaneshwari Ramaswamy

Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal (IN)

Research Interests:

digital humanities

speculative fiction

Esther Claudio

University of California, Los Angeles (US)

Research Interests:

Graphic novel

spatial justice

urban narratives

Keli Rylance

Saint Louis Art Museum (US)

Research Interests:

urban architecture


Aina Pérez Fontdevila

Univesidad de Alcalá (ES)

Research Interests:

Authorship Studies

Gender and Queer Studies

Emilio Carrero

University of Arizona (US)

Research Interests:


diaspora poetry

philosophy of creativity

Miguel Carrera Garrido

Universidad de Granada (ES)

Research Interests:


Science Fiction

monster theory

Jo Walton

University of Sussex (UK)

Research Interests:

utopian studies

critical digital studies


Saila-Maria Saaristo

University of Helsinki (FI) / University of Coimbra (PT)

Research Interests:

urban margins

forced evictions

right to housing

Elena Ritondale

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (ES)

Research Interests:

border studies


contemporary Latin American fiction

Lucy Kirkman

University of Arizona (US)

Research Interests:

urban development & industry in post-colonized nations,

racialized structures of urban environments

Hernan Dario

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (ES)

Research Interests:

comparative literature

Sophie Maddison

University of Glasgow (UK)

Research Interests:

Urban Space Interconnectedness

Filippo Trentin

University of Pennsylvania (US)

Research Interests:

20th-century Italian literature and cinema

Subaltern studies

Queer urban studies

Natalie Mann

University of Warwick (UK)

Research Interests:

working class identity

history of urban poverty

urban poverty landscape

reproductive health and justice

(artist and academic)

Beata Waligorska-Olejniczak

Adam Mickiewicz University (PL)

Research Interests:

urban space and cultural memory

contemporary Russian cinema and literature


Daniel Schreiner

Universität Paderborn (DE)

Research Interests:

Turkish-German literature 

Mexican-American literature 

literature of digitalisation

Romana Radlwimmer

Universität Tübingen (DE)

Research Interests:

literary urban spaces
urban splintering
Early modern literatures and cultures

Ibtisam Ahmed

University of Nottingham (UK)

Research Interests:

gender and sexuality



Michael G. Kelly

University of Limerick (IE)

Research Interests:

utopian theory

contemporary urban texts

French and Francophone writing

Deniz Başar

Concordia University (CA)

Research Interests:

theatre, performance, history

William Straw

McGill University (CA)

Research Interests:

night scenes cultures

lead of Urban Nights project

Adriana Zuniga

University of Arizona (US)

Research Interests:

environmental justice

green infrastructure

urban resilience

Joshua Parker

University of Salzburg (AT)

Research Interests:


transatlantic studies

American literature

Olivier Salès

University of Miami (US)

Research Interests:

literary urban studies

subaltern studies

Hip Hop studies

Elizabeth Porter

Hostos Community College, City University of New York (US)

Research Interests:

urban mobility

intersectional feminism 

literary urban studies

Deirdre Flynn

Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick (IE)

Research Interests:

literary urban studies



Lauren Quigley

Queen's University Belfast (UK)

Research Interests:

mobilities, public transport

urban literature and poetics, 


queer urban spaces

Elizabeth Olaoye

Idaho State University (US)

Research Interests:


postcolonial urban studies Fantasy

Md. Amir Hossain

IBAIS University (BD)

Research Interests:

Urban/Country life

Katherine Fama

University College Dublin (IE)

Research Interests:

architectural Humanities

rental architecture


Polina Golovátina-Mora

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (CO)

Research Interests:

urban nature-culture decolonisation 


Sophia Basaldua-Sun

Independent Scholar

Research Interests:

Decolonial Urbanism  comparative literature

Literary Urban Studies 

postcolonial theory

Linda van de Kamp

Protestantse Diaconie (NL)

Research Interests:

community organizing 

urban connections


Meeria Vesala

University of Helsinki (FI)

Research Interests:

Contemporary African American writers 

racial politics in the city

non-normative sexualities

Ozgur Sayın

Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University (TR)

Research Interests:

conjuntural urbanism 

intersectional identities 

immigrant cities

Muhammad Hafeez ur Rehman

University of Oregon (US)

Research Interests:

Literary Urban Studies

Angelos Bollas

Dublin City University (IE)

Research Interests:

Sexuality Studies: representations and politics

Yassine Ait Ali

Princeton University (US)

Research Interests:


world & comparative literature French literature

Xenia Kokoula

TU Berlin (DE)

Research Interests:

urban narratives

production of space


Tânia Alexandra Cardoso

University of Amsterdam (NL)

Research Interests:

urban illustration



León Felipe Téllez Contreras

Independent scholar

Research Interests:

subaltern politics

infrastructure politics 


Myrtille Picaud

Université Gustave Eiffel, Latts (FR)

Research Interests:

music scenes

urban transformation

alternative venues

Federico Picerni

Università Ca' Foscari (IT)

Research Interests:

literary theory and literary urban studies

working-class literatures 

contemporary urban literature in China

Federica Mirra

Birmingham City University (UK)

Research Interests:

migrant population


artistic practices

Aylin Güngör

Universität Heidelberg (DE)

Research Interests:

visual and media studies, performance

urban geography 

activism, American studies

Giulia Baque

Università Ca' Foscari (IT)

Research Interests:

Comparative literature and literary theory, Ecocriticism  
natural and urban spaces in Japanese literature
gender studies

Valentina Barnabei

Università Ca' Foscari (IT)

Research Interests:

literary urban studies


contemporary Hindi literature

Grace L. Dillon

Indigenous Nations Studies, Portland State University (US)

Research Interests:

Indigenous Futurisms,

BIPOC science fiction, BIPOC climate and environmental justice intertwined with racial justice

Ann Tso

Lethbridge College (CA)

Research Interests:

literary urbanism

Hong Kong; London

speculative fiction

Cristina Diamant

Babes-Bolyai University (RO)

Research Interests:

imaginary geographies 

materialist feminism

medical humanities

Iker Arranz

California State University (US)

Research Interests:

Urban Studies
Regional Studies
Small Literatures

Marleen Barr


Research Interests:

science fiction


cultural studies

Anubhav Pradhan

Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai (IN)

Research Interests:

urban planning in the Global South
urban heritage and history
South Asian urban writing

Emilio Gallardo

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, ES)

Research Interests:

Literary Urban Studies
crime fiction
Flamenco music, literature and urban spaces
socialism and literature

Maylis Konnecke

Université Bordeaux Montaigne (FR)

Research Interests:

gender representation
tv series
feminist television criticism

Ursula Troche


Research Interests:

edge, hidden, terrain vague

Duygu Çelik

Munzur University (TR)

Research Interests:

Dengbêj (Kurdish Narrators)

Kurdish Theatre


Chen Bar-Itzhak

Stanford University (US)

Research Interests:

comparative literature

literary urban studies

urban memoryscapes

Rosa María Díez Cobo

Universidad de Burgos (ES)

Research Interests:

architectures and the Fantastic

architectures and gender studies

haunted houses

Adam McKee

Elizabeth City State University (US)

Research Interests:




Riikka Pulkkinen

University of Helsinki (FI)

Research Interests:

urban literature


character study

Francisco Javier Escobar Borrego

University of Seville (ES)

Research Interests:


music and literature

cultural studies

Jean Makhlouta

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (FR)

Research Interests:

queer urban narratives 

architectural history

cultural geography

Maria Tepavac

Alpen-Adria-Universität (AUT)

Research Interests:

literary space

city borders

Klaudia Lee

City University of Hong Kong (HK)

Research Interests:


nineteenth and twentieth-century literature

world literature

Orly Cortés

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (MX)

Research Interests:

Comparative Literature 


Urban Studies

Mohammad Bagher Shabanpour

University of Tehran (IR)

Research Interests:



film studies

Cristiana Strava

Leiden University (NL)

Research Interests:

urban space



Nevin Faden Gürbüz

Universität Heidelberg (DE)

Research Interests:

spatial literary studies, geocriticism

contempoary British literature 

urban space and representation

Dominika Ferens

Uniwersytet Wrocławski (PL)

Research Interests:


Los Angeles

planetary urbanism

Ruqkyyah Meng

University of Portsmouth (UK)

Research Interests:


cultural processes


Markku Salmela

Tampere University (FI)

Research Interests:

city literature

urban peripheries 

representations of waste

Claire Downey

University of Limerick (IE)

Research Interests:

urban nights

narratives and gender

Monika Class

University of Mainz (DE)

Research Interests:




Ewa Kębłowska-Ławniczak

University of Wrocław (PL)

Research Interests:




Maria Sulimma

University of Freiburg (DE)

Research Interests:


cultural and literary urban studies postindustrialism

Sarah Meehan O'Callaghan

Dublin City University (IE)

Research Interests:


Body and Sexuality Studies Theatre Studies

Sophie Kriegel

Leipzig University (DE)

Research Interests:


spatial peripheries

urban narratives

Evan Healy

Independent scholar

Research Interests:

detective fiction

Disability Studies

postmodern space

Antonia Liguori

Loughborough University (UK)

Research Interests:




Ana Calvete

University of Helsinki (FI)/University Toulouse Jean Jaurès (FR)

Research Interests:




Clarissa Campos

Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (BR)

Research Interests:

squatting movements

right to the city

power relations and space

Bruna Mancini

Università della Calabria (IT)

Research Interests:




Robert Harland

Loughborough University (UK)

Research Interests:




Alison Barnes

Loughborough University (UK)

Research Interests:

graphic heritage

home, identity & belonging cultural cartography

creative methods

Andrei Berezkine

UJI Castellón (SP) - Unesco Chair of Philosophy for Peace

Research Interests:

Andine region

urban mestizo subcultures


David O'Mullane

Dublin City University (IE)

Research Interests:

visual culture

Sexuality Studies

queer space

Julia Faisst

Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt (DE)

Research Interests:

housing inequality in U.S. literature and visual culture 

migration, race and ethnic studies

Sofie Doorman

University of Amsterdam (NL)

Research Interests:


inclusive public spaces

activism & art

Nathalie Bergame

Royal Institute of Technology (SE)

Research Interests:

Urban Commons

feminist spatial theory

emancipatory practices

Benjamin Linder

International Institute for Asian Studies (NL)

Research Interests:




Yue Mao

Nomaos Research Collective

Research Interests:

landscape narrative

urban design and planning

Alejandro Veiga

University of Warwick (UK)

Research Interests:

Critical and Literary Theory

contemporary Venezuelan and Spanish literature

experimental narrative and poetry

Karla Segura Pantoja

CY Cergy Paris Université (FR)

Research Interests:

narratives of exile

urban imaginaries

intersectional perspectives

Mordjana Haddad

University of Larbi Ben M'Hidi (DZ)

Research Interests:

urban narrative

urban space representation

the city in literature

Ruth Glynn

University of Bristol (UK)

Research Interests:


cultural discourses


Felix Joaquin Galvan Diaz

El Colegio de San Luis (MX)

Research Interests:

memory and literature

literature and mourning

literature and violence

Elisabetta Marino

University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (IT)

Research Interests:

women writers

travel literature


Liam Lanigan

Governors State University (US)

Research Interests:

Literary Urban Studies  mapping

urban planning

Ujjwal Jana

Pondicherry University (IN)

Research Interests:

Digital Humanities

theory of emotions

South African Indian writing

Nikoleta Zampaki

NKUA, Greece (GR)

Research Interests:

Environmental Humanities 


Digital Humanities and Comparative Literature

Maciej Kowalewski

University of Szczecin (PL)

Research Interests:

visual narrative 

data visualisation 

travel writing

Aron Moberg

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (US)

Research Interests:


queer urban geography

Kawthar Yasser Al Othman

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Dammam (SA)

Research Interests:

postcolonial literature and geocriticism 

migrant fiction

Giuseppe Capalbo

University of Calabria (IT)

Research Interests:

intersectional vulnerability queer(ing) spatialities

complex embodiment

Anni Lappela

University of Helsinki (FI)

Research Interests:

Arctic cities

Russian cities


Atsuko Sakaki

University of Toronto (CA)

Research Interests:

gender corporeality



Tetsuro Tanojiri

Osaka University (JP)

Research Interests:

World literature, Manga, Anime East and Southeast Asia

Cyber Creole 

Western Esotericism 

David Carroll

Dublin City University (IE)

Research Interests:

Sexuality Studies

Queer Theory

Pop Culture

Carla Tempestoso

Università della Calabria (IT)

Research Interests:

Gender identities


spaces and places

Mirte Jepma

University of Amsterdam (NL)

Research Interests:

urban commons



Irati Majuelo

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del País Vasco (ES)

Research Interests:

urban novel

Basque literature


Megan Saltzman

West Chester University (US)

Research Interests:

public space



Fernanda Bustamante

Universidad de Alcalá (ES)

Research Interests:

literary and cultural studies gender

postcolonial studies

memory studies 

Kai Tan

RWTH Aachen (DE)

Research Interests:


urban designs


Susan Divine

College of Charleston (US)

Research Interests:


urban identity

Kevin Santus

Politecnico of Milan (IT)

Research Interests:


urban regeneration 


climate change

Jesse van Amelsvoort

University of Amsterdam (NL)

Research Interests:

minority studies 

scalar critique 

European literature

Raquel Velázquez

University of Barcelona (ES)

Research Interests:

healing spaces 


sanatorial narratives

Marina García Pardavila

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES)

Research Interests:


climate fiction


Leona Sandmann

Fachhochschule Erfurt (DE)

Research Interests:

urban shrinkage 

local activism

rural queerness

Martina Albanese

Università della Calabria (IT)

Research Interests:

gendered urban space

Francisco Javier de León 

Universitat de Barcelona (ES)

Research Interests:




Juliana Luna Freire

Universidade Federal da Paraíba (BR)

Research Interests:

urban imaginaries


violence in literature and Cultural Studies

Aneta Dybska

University of Warsaw (PL)

Research Interests:

citizenship and justice in the American city

gentrification, right to the city

urban planning

Manjari Thakur

University of Cambridge (UK)

Research Interests:


city mapping

urban chaos

Kahina Meziant

Northumbria University (UK)

Research Interests:

forced migration

affective regrounding

white governmentality

Ari Räisänen

University of Eastern Finland (FI)

Research Interests:

U.S. veteran literature

Post-9/11 Americanness 

Bordescapes of war

Nhlanhla Dube

Stellenbosch University (ZA)

Research Interests:


literary spatiality

Dirk van Rens

University of Eastern Finland (FI)

Research Interests:

historiographic metafiction 

anglophone postcolonial literature


Laëtitia Nebot-Deneuville

Dublin City University (IE)

Research Interests:

literary tourism


queer and gender studies

Francis Amponsah

Radboud University (NL)

Research Interests:

West Africa


European Enlargement

Corey Johnson

University of Cape Town (ZA)

Research Interests:


southern urbanism


Gabriela Navas 

ANTIARQ/Universidad de Barcelona (ES)

Research Interests:

architectural anthropology

urban space

inhabited cities

Sriya Das

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IN)

Research Interests:

Literary Urban Studies

Queer Studies

20th Century British Literature

Johanna Decker

Universität Heidelberg (DE)

Research Interests:

Contemporary American Literature
public spaces and trust

Literary Urban Studies

Aseela Haque

Freie Universität Berlin (DE)

Research Interests:

human geography 
urban interstices

Albert Lladó


Research Interests:




Somdatta Bhattacharya

IIT Kharagpur (IN)

Research Interests:

urban crime

informal sector work

female migrants

Chris Katzenberg

Ruhr-University Bochum (DE)

Research Interests:

(American) Literary Urban Studies

postindustrial cities

urban in-/exclusion

Juan Evaristo Valls Boix

University of Barcelona (ES)

Research Interests:

motel literature

USA contemporary short narrative


Reem Lebbar

Dublin City University (IE)

Research Interests:

Gender studies, feminisms in MENA region
space and refugees
Smart cities and urban planning

Niccolò Amelii

G. D'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara (IT)

Research Interests:

(Italian) urban literature

Alberto C.B. Souza

Carleton University (CA)

Research Interests:

sex work

queer anthropology

affect theory

male sex work, Brazil

Juan Gallego-Benot

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES)

Research Interests:



urban history

Kavita Sharma

University of Delhi (IN)

Research Interests:

Urban Studies

Comparative Literature

Gender Studies

Sarah Neef

TU Dortmund University (DE)

Research Interests:

Urban Fantasy Literature

Metka Zupancic

U of Alabama at Tuscaloosa (USA)

Research Interests:

cultural history and socially prevailing paradigms 

comparative literature 

translation studies

Ketevan Jmukhadze

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (GE)

Research Interests:

the city modern literature

urban chronotope

the city as a mythical space

Maria Clara Menezes

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (BR)

Research Interests:



urban imaginaries

fantastic literature

Tengjin Bian


Research Interests:

digital drag


bodies in flux

Ian Ramírez

University of Melbourne (AT)

Research Interests:

queer nightlife

queer and urban poor

queer space

Tanmoy Putatunda

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (IN)

Research Interests:

urban literary narratives from the margin

contested urban spaces

Noir city

Amaria Mehdaoui 

University of Saida (DZ)

Research Interests:




Mouna Kohil

École Supérieure de Technologies Industrielles-Annaba (DZ)

Research Interests:

feminism dystopia the female body

Emilio Williams

Georgia State University (US)

Research Interests:

Queer, visual, performative spaces

Abbas Siavash Abkenar

Leiden University (NL)/Ca' Foscari University of Venice (IT)

Research Interests:

Modernities in conversion
Afroeurasian transition zone
Networks analysis in literary and historical investigations

Daniela Raspollini

Liceo Statale G. Mazzini (IT)

Research Interests:

dystopian literature

urban environment in literature

post-apocalyptic literature

Jean-Philippe Imbert

Dublin City University (IE)

Research Interests:

Sexuality Studies



Catherine Rottenberg

University of Nottingham (UK)

Research Interests:

feminist theory

critical race studies
20th-century multi-ethnic American literature

Olga Springer

Dublin City University (IE)

Research Interests:


ambiguity in literary texts

visual studies and the urban

Zsuzsanna Varga

University of Glasgow (UK)

Research Interests:

urban history 

travel writing

Tania Rossetto

University of Padova (IT)

Research Interests:

visual geographies

cultural cartography

urban diversity

Anna-Leena Toivanen

University of Eastern Finland (FI)

Research Interests:

postcolonial cities

African literary studies


Marija Spirkovska

University of Giessen (DE)

Research Interests:

literary urban studies

spatial agency and sense of place 


Grigorios Iliopoulos

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR)

Research Interests:

Urban Space

Contemporary Canadian  Literature

North American Studies

Michele Castrezzati

University of Trento (IT)

Research Interests:

Urban Sustainability
Community Building and Self Sufficiency
Spatial Segregation

Maik Kiesler

University of Kassel (DE)

Research Interests:

suburbia as a narrative 

suburbanisms in the Global North

marginalisation in suburbia

Pepe Sánchez-Molero


Research Interests:

queer spaces mapping

urban development

Adrián Crespo

Directa magazine (ES)

Research Interests:


Cultural Studies

Feminist Urban Studies

Phevos Kallitsis

University of Portsmouth (UK)

Research Interests:

Queer Studies

Urban Narratives

Cinematic Explorations

Esterina Nervino

City University of Hong Kong (HK)

Research Interests:

city branding

smart city

urban diversity & inclusion

Richard Hand

University of East Anglia (UK)

Research Interests:




FRINGE is funded by the Ramón y Cajal research programme 
(RYC2018-024370-I, Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain + European Social Fund)


CC 2021

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